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Frequently Asked Questions

What level of protein should I feed my puppy?

There are two schools of thought on what level protein should be fed to pups/youngsters. Some people like to continue feeding a high level (28 - 30%) until their youngster is almost 12 months. I don't. Personally, I like to start my border collie puppies off on a really good quality puppy food (26 - 28%) and then start to reduce the protein level at around 7 - 8 weeks down to around the 22 - 21%. 

I do this because I don't want my youngsters to grow too fast too quickly - nor put on too much weight as this puts additional strain on their growing bones/joints.  Puppies' bones are still very soft and Border Collies especially, are very active and can easily damage themselves by banging into things or getting knocked by adult dogs when playing.  By keeping the protein level down, the dogs appear to develop good bone, coats and muscle without becoming too hyper - or too leggy. 

Speaking to other well-respected breeders, I have found that they are of a like mind on this topic - whether their dogs be spaniels or GSDs. What do you think?

(posted 29/10/2009)

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When would you use the Rocket Fuel?

To boost hard working dogs - as long as they do not have a wheat gluten intolerance. (29/10/2009)
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What level of protein should I feed my puppy?

I like to feed a good quality puppy food (26 - 28% protein) from around 3 weeks until 10 weeks and then slowly introduce a lower protein ration.
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...Because we don't employ any sales people (no salaries, bonuses or company cars), produce tonnes of glossy literature, adverts or packaging. (29/10/2009)
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Kathleen Somemrsett

I would like to thank you for the samples which were really helpful and all your help with my problem. Since my inquiry Maddie (German Shepherd) has been so much better. We put her on the No Grainer!

Toby my Labrador has gone on to Champ!.  Both dogs are thriving and full of life. Maddie's skin problems have cleared up and the hair on her back feet is grown back.She is so much happier without the constant irritation she must have suffered before going on to No Grainer!  She is on to her 2nd bag now.

Her daily treats have also been changed to all natural ones.   Many thanks again. Kathleen Sommersett. 


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Logan Williams

Logan Williams

In August 2016 Logan entered the South Wales Sheepdog Trials Association Novice Trial in Blackwood and won both the Young Handlers and Novice with his dog Ned

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