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Handler Profiles
There are a large number of well respected dog owners that use CSJ. Here are just a few.
- Sheepdog Handlers
Profiles of sheepdog handlers using CSJ. - Agility Handlers
Profiles of dog agility handlers using CSJ. - Flyball Handlers
Profiles of flyball handlers using CSJ. - Racing Sled Dog Handlers
Profiles of racing sled dog handlers using CSJ. - Gundog Handlers
Profiles of gundog handlers using CSJ. - Working Trials Handlers
Profiles of working trials handlers using CSJ. - Heelwork to Music Handlers
Profiles of Heelwork to Music handlers using CSJ. - Obedience Handlers
Profiles of obedience handlers using CSJ. - Show Handlers
Profiles of show dog handlers using CSJ. - Search and Rescue Handlers
Profiles of search and rescue handlers using CSJ. - Canicross Handlers
Profiles of Canicross handlers using CSJ. - General Handlers
Profiles of other handlers using CSJ.
Latest News
Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' - full interviews with top handlers
See the full interviews with our elite team of top sheepdog handlers for Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' sheepdog trial in HD on YouTube.
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Customers' Views
Just to let you know that Mirren and Skye are both doing really well on CP21. Mirren hardly itches at all now and they both eat up every drop every mealtime. Skye's coat is looking much better as he was a wee ragamuffin when we got him, and we didn't think mirrens coat could be any shinier but it is!
CSJ User Profiles
Dr Angie Driscoll
Kinloch Sheepdogs “I thought it might be fun to train a working sheepdog.”
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