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Mark Smith (123)


Contact Information

Address :
1 Spring Crescent
Whittle le Woods

Contact Name :
Mark Smith

Phone :
01257 277 622

Mobile :
07877 365999

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Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' - full interviews with top handlers

Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' - full interviews with top handlers

See the full interviews with our elite team of top sheepdog handlers for Series 2 'A Way with Dogs' sheepdog trial in HD on YouTube.

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Customers' Views

Gail Diprose, Surrey

Gail Diprose, Surrey

Thank you for the samples, Cora voraciously enjoyed them all equally! As a start I ordered a bag of Champ Adult within 3 days she was calmer or not as manic, she is half way through the bag and has put weight on, looking slim and sleek not slim to thin.... and her coat feels lovely, smooth and we can even see a hint of whiskers on her chin, perhaps she will grow a wire coat.. after all. She is listening to  the whistle and generally her behaviour has improved, she still runs like the wind but just not so manically, as I write, she is snoring in her bed after a day outside. I will now order a couple of sacks, I am very pleased with the way this diet is suiting her, thank you.

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CSJ User Profiles

Tracy Page - Borzoi owner and exhibitor

Tracy Page - Borzoi owner and exhibitor

Tracy has 2 Borzoi – India (Lynx Autumn Mist) and Ava (Lynx Christmas Belle)

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